PeeranCheruvu Runners is a running enthusiasts group located in PeeranCheruvu, Hyderabad, India. This group aims to promote running as a get-fit-for-life activity and has grown to over 200 runners in the last 8 years. We train new runners, young and old, through programs like “Couch to 5K” and “Outdoor Kids” (initiatives of Hyderabad Runners Society) and our own ActiveWinter program.

We organize PBEL CITY Winter Half Run every December of the year which is open to community as well as to outside runners. This event covers 5K, 10K & Half Marathon distances and is one of the best organized runs in Hyderabad. If you are interested in joining the group, you can visit our Facebook page
We invite you to join us in
- Couch to 5K
- Outdoor Kids
- Active Winter
- PBEL CITY Winter Half Marathon Run – * Coming up in December
- Marathons
- Cyclists Group